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Divas with 
a Dream

DWD is dedicated to teens in high school in the pursuit of manifesting their future. We provide regular gatherings to share experiences and feelings about issues and concerns that impact their daily lives.  

Happy Family

About Me.

Brenda J Dawson, founder/CEO of I AM Ministries is a wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother,
author, more than forty years a veteran educator, retired school principal, and Women Empowerment
Coach. She stands behind this quote “The Hand that Rocks the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the World”. And her life’s mission centers around strengthening those hands.

I AM’s mission and major focus are to foster positive values for the women and girls in today's families. We engage schools, community groups, and other organizations to provide programs and events addressing this mission. Brenda and her husband of 57 years are certified spiritual marriage coaches and provide personal and group support sessions. The Dawson's are also certified by the local court and marriage license bureau as Pre Marriage-Providers. Over the past 19 years, all of our programs have been created to spread God’s unconditional love across all communities and cultures.


2020 - 2025 

State of Florida Professional Educator Certification


Ecclesial Lay Ministry Program, Archdiocese of Miami


Extended Educational Leadership Program, St. Thomas University


Master of Science, Barry University-Administration/Supervision


Bachelor of Science, Barry University- Special Education and Sociology


Leadership skills include her ability to motivate and encourage others, especially when they are faced with challenges or adversity. Written and verbal communication skills are well-used tools. Her organizational skills, effective planning, commitment, and dedication have supported positive outcomes in the lives of many children and their families.

Empowering Others in Times of Adversity

Brenda’s ability to motivate and encourage others shines brightest when faced with challenges. She doesn’t merely offer platitudes; she dives into the trenches alongside her team. When the storm clouds gather, Brenda becomes the beacon of hope, reminding everyone that they can weather any tempest.

Mastering the Art of Communication

In the realm of leadership, communication is the cornerstone. Brenda wields her written and verbal skills like a seasoned artist. Her emails are concise yet impactful, her presentations resonate, and her one-on-one conversations leave lasting impressions. She understands that words have power—the power to inspire, connect, and drive change.

Organizational Wizardry

Brenda’s desk may appear chaotic, but her mind is a well-ordered symphony. Her organizational skills transform chaos into harmony. Whether orchestrating community events or managing complex projects, she ensures that deadlines are met, resources optimized, and goals achieved. Brenda’s planning prowess is the backbone of success.

Unwavering Commitment and Tireless Dedication

Leadership isn’t a 9-to-5 job for Brenda; it’s a lifelong commitment. Her dedication extends beyond office hours. Late nights find her refining strategies, weekends witness her brainstorming innovative solutions, and holidays see her advocating for positive change. She knows that true impact requires unwavering persistence.

Touching Lives: Children and Families

Brenda’s legacy isn’t etched in marble; it’s woven into the fabric of lives she touches. Struggling students find renewed confidence under her guidance. Families facing adversity discover solace in her unwavering support. Brenda doesn’t seek accolades; her reward lies in their smiles, their progress, and their newfound hope.

Conclusion: A Journey, Not a Destination

Brenda’s leadership journey isn’t about titles or corner offices. It’s about making a difference—one child, one family at a time. As we celebrate her impact, let’s remember that true leadership isn’t measured by the heights we reach but by the lives we uplift.

Message from our Founder & CEO

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Leaf Pattern Design

Divas with a Dream Weekly Mentoring Program

We must have the following for registration:, Permission Form, Commitment Form, and

Emergency Contact Form

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